Learn Spanish Online – Learn Spanish For My Vacation

Are you planning on going on a vacation soon, but can’t speak any Spanish? The last thing that you want to do is get stuck in a foreign land without the capability of communicating with the natives. Unfortunately, that does happen to hundreds of people, but lucky for you, I can help you get started with learning Spanish.

The first thing that you need to do is realize that Spanish is probably the easiest language to learn. Being a native English speaker, and having learned three different languages (Mandarin, French, and Spanish), I can confidently say that Spanish is the simplest, most logical language on the planet.

In fact, it isn’t much different than English at all. The sentence structure is really similar, it is just the vocabulary that will get you. But just like you are still learning English words, you will continue to learn Spanish words as you interact with the culture.

So what makes Spanish so simple to learn? Well first of all, creating sentences is easy as pie. Just like you would say “The class of Spanish”, they would say “La clase de español”, translating to “the class of Spanish.”

Simple enough right? Well not only are the sentences incredibly easy to learn, but the words are actually very similar as well: For instance “parque” means “park” and “estúpido” means “stupid.”

The simplicity of the Spanish vocabulary will surely help you to learn Spanish for your vacation, and will help you during your travels as you try to read signs or food menus, etc…

Now the big question is: Where can you learn Spanish??

Personally, I would recommend Rocket Spanish. This is an unprecedented Spanish teaching program that guarantees to teach you Spanish in just 8 weeks.

I liked the go at your own speed pace that they have, where you can listen to the 31 hours of audio lessons, or play the 1000 word megaSpanish games at any time that you want.

Also, they have an interactive forum where your answers are sure to get answered as they come up.

I also noticed that Rocket Spanish is the cheapest product that is of any quality, pricing waaayyy lower than Rosetta Stone.

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